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Do you know that pigs roll in mud to protect themselves against the sun and extreme temperatures, or against flies and parasites? Perhaps you knew, but many think that pigs just like to be dirty and to live in mud. The average person knows little about these intelligent creatures.

Commercial pig farmers in South Africa are represented by the South African Pork Producers Organisation (SAPPO). All agricultural commodity associations are involved, one way or another, in encouraging people from previously disadvantaged groups to farm. Part of SAPPO’s mentorship programme to developing pig farmers includes free training opportunities at its training facility at Baynesfield. Read about SAPPO at

The main exporters of pork to South Africa are Germany (40%), Canada (25%), Spain (14%) and France (6%).

Pork is one of the 22 livestock chapters in The Agri Handbook for South Africa (there are nearly 180 chapters in all). Find the link to the chapter here.


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